
About Us

Our Mission:

To empower school age children and their parents to rethink their commutes to school, by safely and responsibly biking, walking, carpooling or using transit to and from school and beyond more often. Through education and training we aim to improve the health of students by reducing the risk of obesity and heart related problems while fighting global warming by reducing pollution and traffic at school sites.

Our Vision:

To create a community environment where children and parents alike are comfortable using alternative modes of transportation, whenever they choose.

Walk ‘n Rollers is a non-profit 501(c)3 corporation. Tax I.D. 82-5421547. 

Walk ‘n Rollers was established to bridge the gap between cities that are improving their bicycle infrastructure and the user groups within those communities. We are a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

4 children walking home from schoolWe aim to educate, train and encourage people of all ages to walk and ride their bikes more often, especially to and from school. When children learn how to safely and responsibly walk and bike to school, they add activity to their day and help reduce traffic and pollution around their school.

Lessons like responsibility, good decision making, traffic safety and community awareness. By building confidence, we can create a healthier, more sustainable community. Why is it important? To learn why a little more activity in your life leads to a healthier, more sustainable lifestyle.

Walk ‘n Rollers is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization with over 10 years experience providing community-based bicycle and pedestrian safety education throughout Southern California. We are focused on Safe Routes to School programming to encourage more kids to walk and bike to school more often. We work with schools to develop Safe Routes to School Programs and on campus bicycle and pedestrian education programs, host community-based bike safety and bike repair events. We also feature an Adopt-A-Bike Program – collecting and refurbishing used bikes and donating them back to the community. Through this program we host multiple bike repair days each month, training students in essential bike repair skills.

The evidence is overwhelming. If more kids ride or walk to school, congestion around schools decreases, safety increases and kids get healthier. Healthier kids mean more engaged students and better grades. But the children are only part of the solution. Parents, administrators and community members must be involved as well. By including all of these stakeholders, programs have a better chance at success.

We also provide:

Check out this quick BIKE SKILLS VIDEO from the San Fernando Street Festival:

Let us help you make your community a safer, healthier more livable community!